
"banana girl" + Shanghai sketches

I left Shanghai and Swatch Art Residency yesterday.
Following tradition, I had an open studio/goodbye-to-community-get-together. 

At first I was deeply hesitated and full of doubts but fellow artist in residence, Aki and Leticia encouraged me to just do it! Aki also kindly helped me set up and carved the watermelons for watermelon soju. We also made Thai iced tea with tea imported from Bangkok by me.

The framed artwork that is my residency trace was on display:

some close ups:

I let people flipped through my 4 sketchbooks that were done during the residency. 
Some of these pages got some tone dropped in Photoshop:

Few pages that were done a week ago:

some of the sketchbook drawings that didn't make it to the final piece and "Banal Shanghai" zine/booklet:

A small group of ladies dancing:

Thank you, Swatch family, Shanghai and China!!


banal Shanghai

Made a simple booklet to showcase some of my drawings done on-site in Shanghai, "banal Shanghai"

Also made another one with the sketches from Bangkok. 
Below is quick composition scribbles done while on the bullet train ride Shanghai-Huangshan.


Bangkok - Visa Run

Got a chance to check out Bangkok since I had to renew my visa. Alive city, some interesting things and the absolute fantastic street food! It was good to do another solo travel on budget.
Some pages from the trip sketchbook: