
Bangkok - Visa Run

Got a chance to check out Bangkok since I had to renew my visa. Alive city, some interesting things and the absolute fantastic street food! It was good to do another solo travel on budget.
Some pages from the trip sketchbook:


Shimmer and Shine!

I was fortunate to meet awesome talented friendly folks while at Nickelodeon last year, on Shimmer and Shine season 1. Definitely learned a lot and had great times!
Since the show has been released since last August and other artists on it shared their stuff, I'd share some.. although I was a Storyboard Revisionist and I lost some files - so here's a rejected dance move for Leah. 

Also how I did acting thumbs for my first and only script on the show:


15 Rooms

"15 Rooms" exhibition at Long Museum in West Bund.
Very first performance art exhibition I've been - definitely very interesting and exciting!