
Pocket Moleskine Covers

Ink, Goauche, Acrylic - doodles on covers of the last set of pocket Moleskine Cahiers I got.


London June 2016

For 3/4 of June, I was in London for an exciting job with an awesome, very talented and friendly crew! 
Outside work and pub, I got to explore more of London. 
Sometimes I got to horribly sketch nice people while from on the bus and tube commuting for work.


Serbia May 2016

Finally rewarded myself a new toy, the Moleskine that's not Cahier and thought it'd be fun to try out watercolor in my sketches. 
Some sketches from beautiful countryside in Serbia, mostly Tabanovic.


Maroc March-April 2016

Was very fortunate that I got to check out Morocco for 1.5 month back in March-April and went around from North, South, back to the centre. It was a really cool experience, absolutely beautifully inspiring place :)
Tried to sketch when I could and here are some of them.