
I Have Demons I Can't Even Imagine

Moleskine cover. I had this idea few months ago. Was a lot of fun.


Unknown said...

Your drawing is Awesome and getting better and better Kartika!

Love your moleskine covers!

k.mediani said...

Obrigada for the kind words, Gustavo!

Jake Murray said...

Ooooh I like this alot! Keep up the great work Kartika!

k.mediani said...

Thank you for diggin', Jake! It means a lot when it comes from you!

Janayna Velozo said...

Tikaaaaaaaaaaa.. it's jana!!! I just LOVE your sketches!!!

k.mediani said...

Heyy, yep I could tell it's you, Jana! hehe.
Thanks a lot for diggin my sketches! :)

stevenhuffaker said...

Love it!

k.mediani said...

Thank you for visiting and kind words, Steve! I had that notebook all time for taking notes in class, now class is over.