
People Sketches & Last UCLA Class with Glenn

Be prepared for some bad drawings! Brush pen (that I don't really like cos the ink stuck all over onto my hands) on 8.5x11 sketchpad. I wanted to kill all the 200pages in one month but got sidetracked with the need to do actual work.

The ones below in Black ink was done during last UCLA class with Glenn Vilppu yesterday. The model didn't show up so we had our drawing class under the sun at the beautiful Sculpture Garden. Our class group basically drawing other group of students which made us obvious "stalkers" but omg! away from fluorescent lights and fresh air! It was too much fun.
Made me want to tear up when he gave me a hug and wanted to cry out, "Now who's gonna erase my drawings - 'I'm gonna destroy your drawing' - and draw over it - 'Look, it's simple.' - and telling me that my life drawings simply aren't good!??" It was a great privilege to be his TA last quarter and learned how dedicated he really is a professional teacher and artist! :) One time he came to class straight from LAX from South America, and obviously he wasn't able to sleep well during the red-eye flight! We all already miss you, Glenn!

It's a true story told by my awesome classmate Diana: She saw a crow flying with a slice of pizza in his beaks on campus. Mutant Crow! The squirrels living on campus are mutant too, and fearless.

Students playing some ball game at the field.

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